Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Me, myself alone and to an extent my imbecile mind..

"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. One man thinks himself the master of others, but remains more of a slave than they are." - Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Left my player on and on and the battery is dead.. And there is no time for charging.. anyways can't charge it in office... Sony!! Have a Cigar boy, You're gonna be alright... You're gonna go far and fly high.. The lights blinding on the streets of madness.. The only solace I can remember is driving in a plains of Kudremukh, Driving in IISc Main road, Driving in the empty New BEL road , sometimes driving in Cubbon park and on the days of Bandhs/riots etc etc.. The only time I enjoy driving.. The rest I'd like to walk walk and walk... I like to swim and to be wet in rain but I get fever soon.. and I think I Have it right now.. and since the existence of me if I can remember.. Man! I miss the unknown something called more than the surreal and a little less than what we call it real!!!

I think I am pissed off.. But I am not sure what that means to me right now.. I think I am pissed off because none of the morons around me are pissed off.. The whole materialistic world around me.. I dunno when people start to grow up.. When will they realize the lie called LIFE.. I thought growing up is something that you unlearn what you've learnt before.. From parents and the general society.. The one's who tell don't do this.. Don't do that.. And the things that influenced you till the time you realized that's not you.. Is life so precious to conform others around you to make yourself a better person?? Yuk.. The hypocrisy of life and its antecedents.. Its ridiculous to even think of it and to respond to them.. And yes we have to respond to them.. or else we are different people.. the general defined lunatics of the society.. Man people are fucked up.. The illusion of freedom and the big big narcissist within themselves.. and the addiction called life... I am not sure what that means but somewhere the thought in everyone's mind coincides and accumulates to recognize themselves or brand themselves as humans/Societies/Special groups etc etc.. why don't people take a chill pill or something and smokeup!! Oh no wait thats illegal right!! Hmmm.. As bill hicks said why is the two drugs that we use are good compared to MJ.. Alcohol and Nicotine.. Probably the worst of drugs people decided to legalize so that they can make money and impose few restrictions on others.. Nicotine is too pale a drug to be addicted to at the first place.. I've been an nicotine addict may be when I started growing up.. Its kinda on and off relationship these days.. Lemme just stop it for a while.. and then.. Hey dude.. Pass it on.. :) And alcohol what a fcking drug all they have to say is stay within your limits you might hurt others.. And them you overdo it and not only kill yourself and ACCIDENTALLY others.. There is no accident in it you retard you intentionally took it to a level and wanted to avenge out your fucked up stress on others and you hurt/killed someone in the process.. At first place why are these imposed on us... Just because pot cannot be taxed that doesn't make it a bad drug does it..
If some crazy lunatic brought up by some dogmatic parents who tell him what to do and what not to do to an extent he does not have his say in anything at some point of time gets high... of course hez gonna get real psyched.. he thinks he can fly... And why the fck he did not think to fly from the ground at the first place?? Why the balcony?? Because he doesn't know what freedom is.. what he can choose and what not.. Too many choices and too few choices makes you the way you act and portray yourself... And that's what they try to impose on others.. If someone hates drugs Burn all you music which was inspired by it.. The dark side of the moon.. The wall.. Abba.. The deception called the doors.. Beatles.. Lennon... All the big names that you proudly like and hear... You relate to them be cause you Love/loathe them... If someone comes up with a proper explanation with facts that is bad I am willing to admit and act accordingly which is lower the dosage level... That's all..

Where life in itself an addiction why is that it requires a definition of addiction? Addiction is everything.. Food, water, clothes and almost anything that you can think of and perfumes.. No I am not against perfume or something its just people spraying these artificial secondary sexual characteristic pheromones all around their body just attract THE ONE! and in the process accidentally and say it in quotes "ACCIDENTALLY" spreading it to kilometers... Have you lost your friggin sense of smell you morons.. If you can't judge the how much have you been using it in the first place you are not supposed to use it... That's an addiction you moron not an accident.. I think its the same with food and almost anything that you might think it is "Cool" and "Trendy".. and what can I say about sober people.. Oh just love and loathe them.. They are our inseparable twins.. Our own sub conscience... The one that you wanna get rid of... The people who judge everything by their education.. The same dogmatic education that they are made of.. The textbook people.. The people full of vigor with their ocean of knowledge.. the people who are layers of paint on the wall, but not THE WALL.. just trying to justify and stay to the wall.. They are not the bricks mind you.. They are the outer shell of the wall.. Good looking people.. Like our fake self... The bricks are just people.. who don't give a fck to anything real.. The bricks connected by their differences.. The differences that binds them together.. something like cement.. and they grow and grow perpetually where there is thing as death!!!

All our favorite songs that we love to listen are our sad past of our life - Gas Chamber

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