Hmmm.. its one of those weekends you woke up just to get stoned and went ahead to get stoned more.. I guess.. Starting from mahendra's room and and watching SYD in PINK FLOYD - THE SYD BARRET STORY documentary!!! Watching Syd the crazy diamond and his earlier bizarre brilliance that made Pink Floyd... The sound syncing with the actual footage was for a minute or so.. of unseen videos of Syd's was somewhat of a brilliant flash... From there it was towards Bannerghatta road for a office outings which I hate... Where would I enjoy the Enrique and Britney spears music more? even though your most clearer conscience of mind is against it.. All the alpha males showing their awesome skills and the weak one's trying to mingle in unfamiliar, uncharted territories they so desperately wanna try... The categories continue to increase for the apparent no reasons.. you just have to be.. and you'll be decided and described every possible way that you never want to be.... though you might accept it giggling.. Cricket, beer and more reefer madness.. Oh I think I gave it to juveniles and junks and a crazy trip on the dancing.. Man when was it that last danced?? New year was not even dance it was like a shamanistic ritual which had to take place immaterial of how stupid you might look the next day to people who danced and tried to dance... Then I get a camera and start taking some crazy footage everybody dancing.. No one knows the sound or music that's being played.... everyone in their personal coma.. they are just dancing.. and it ends there..
The most "LIKED" part of the whole thing.. Drenching in Rain completely.. It's pointless to explain the droplets hitting you like bullets and when you are moving and somehow you enjoy it.. Then reached Chamber of Reefers :) and the review of RED ALERT by the Mao.. A movie made for page 3 audience who are neither potent nor impotent... But somehow wanna say/portray their version of everything... Food and sleep and go home.. next day more sleep and come back to chamber in the evening.. and the Psynday begins...
And the discussion by Towlie... Why should we save tigers? Why only tigers and why only now.. when the time is too less.. and the number too is not promising as what they are saying.. They actually don't know how many tigers are their exactly in the jungles at the first place.. There is no proper definition of jungle.. where the civilization has reached far more deeper areas than we can imagine... These are not tribal people in anyways.. When the whole psychology of humans are programmed in codes of greed you can't expect them to find logic in convincing them they are destroying their surroundings.. The numbers which they are presenting 1411 is itself in doubt.. Either we can go in two directions.. completely destroy population within a year and shock the population to make more environmental conscience ( I still doubt it will cure the insanity to see animals in captivity by people generally) and make stronger laws against poaching and even felling of trees for example.. They should not even compromise on making a blunder of not taking environment into the future policies etc etc.. The other way around is to define a boundary, free from humans.. should be dedicated to animals.. They might stray about the boundary should be huge.. These should be monitored in a more enthusiastic way than what its being done.. The so called native people should be chucked out.. No matter what.. There should be no cries of displacement... everyone should be taken into account.. But then.. Its impossible with all these ethical and moral issues surrounding it.. And some point it should break lose right?? Its not before too long for man's greed enveloping the whole of forests for minerals and mines.. But them something has to be done..
Why does the advent of winter brings out the suicidal tendencies in humans.. To cope they go lengths to get out it but end up using only one recreational things know to humans to cope up with boredom... is it the blunted light.. or the curiosity to get out of boredom? SAD indeed!! and how can a Song induce suicide tendencies to humans.. and them Towlie started strumming the a very very sad music which was good actually :).. one of those DD one funeral songs type..
Feminism by definition is "A doctrine that advocates equal rights for women". This is a deliberate pseudo movement started by men to get what they wanted from women.. By example feminism is neither practical to exist now or back then.. Fundamentally men do have an advantage of being the stronger sex who has used women for only one purpose.. and the neglected the rest.. As Male chauvinism is to advocate women are indeed equal when they are not in actual sense.. they refuse to accept that women are not equal and they live in their own world of assumptions.. and even the females are happy they are equal... But in actual case they are not.. And another form of Protective chauvinism which we tend to pick up from homes.. Why should women do those work.. and all the etiquette's they teach you is also a way of having an upper hand with women laters for solely one purpose.. And all the females has to do is preach.. preach more about them.. When a man's whole thinking is influenced by women from childhood to death.. I fail to get the point of women plight in this.. where naturally what a man thinks when he sees a beautiful women is to mate... Leaving all the immoral bullshit out of context... Somehow man brain is programmed to do that.. Immaterial of woman's choices.. There is fundamentally wrong is these things.. Millions of sperms to a single egg.. Even if we give equal rights what next.. how should it be done?? We haven't tried that for centuries.. and why should we now?? and whats this exact equal rights?? Just giving some mere percentage in parliament does not mean you are doing something.. You are just kind of taming them for other purposes.. Even if you wanna think they are equal they are not equal because we have used them up a lots.. and they too have done in a very less extant.. So I don't know what the solution when there is no solution if you thing historically and practically..
Most of it is toned conversations... by towlie :) then the world cup finals begins...
The most "LIKED" part of the whole thing.. Drenching in Rain completely.. It's pointless to explain the droplets hitting you like bullets and when you are moving and somehow you enjoy it.. Then reached Chamber of Reefers :) and the review of RED ALERT by the Mao.. A movie made for page 3 audience who are neither potent nor impotent... But somehow wanna say/portray their version of everything... Food and sleep and go home.. next day more sleep and come back to chamber in the evening.. and the Psynday begins...
And the discussion by Towlie... Why should we save tigers? Why only tigers and why only now.. when the time is too less.. and the number too is not promising as what they are saying.. They actually don't know how many tigers are their exactly in the jungles at the first place.. There is no proper definition of jungle.. where the civilization has reached far more deeper areas than we can imagine... These are not tribal people in anyways.. When the whole psychology of humans are programmed in codes of greed you can't expect them to find logic in convincing them they are destroying their surroundings.. The numbers which they are presenting 1411 is itself in doubt.. Either we can go in two directions.. completely destroy population within a year and shock the population to make more environmental conscience ( I still doubt it will cure the insanity to see animals in captivity by people generally) and make stronger laws against poaching and even felling of trees for example.. They should not even compromise on making a blunder of not taking environment into the future policies etc etc.. The other way around is to define a boundary, free from humans.. should be dedicated to animals.. They might stray about the boundary should be huge.. These should be monitored in a more enthusiastic way than what its being done.. The so called native people should be chucked out.. No matter what.. There should be no cries of displacement... everyone should be taken into account.. But then.. Its impossible with all these ethical and moral issues surrounding it.. And some point it should break lose right?? Its not before too long for man's greed enveloping the whole of forests for minerals and mines.. But them something has to be done..
Why does the advent of winter brings out the suicidal tendencies in humans.. To cope they go lengths to get out it but end up using only one recreational things know to humans to cope up with boredom... is it the blunted light.. or the curiosity to get out of boredom? SAD indeed!! and how can a Song induce suicide tendencies to humans.. and them Towlie started strumming the a very very sad music which was good actually :).. one of those DD one funeral songs type..
Feminism by definition is "A doctrine that advocates equal rights for women". This is a deliberate pseudo movement started by men to get what they wanted from women.. By example feminism is neither practical to exist now or back then.. Fundamentally men do have an advantage of being the stronger sex who has used women for only one purpose.. and the neglected the rest.. As Male chauvinism is to advocate women are indeed equal when they are not in actual sense.. they refuse to accept that women are not equal and they live in their own world of assumptions.. and even the females are happy they are equal... But in actual case they are not.. And another form of Protective chauvinism which we tend to pick up from homes.. Why should women do those work.. and all the etiquette's they teach you is also a way of having an upper hand with women laters for solely one purpose.. And all the females has to do is preach.. preach more about them.. When a man's whole thinking is influenced by women from childhood to death.. I fail to get the point of women plight in this.. where naturally what a man thinks when he sees a beautiful women is to mate... Leaving all the immoral bullshit out of context... Somehow man brain is programmed to do that.. Immaterial of woman's choices.. There is fundamentally wrong is these things.. Millions of sperms to a single egg.. Even if we give equal rights what next.. how should it be done?? We haven't tried that for centuries.. and why should we now?? and whats this exact equal rights?? Just giving some mere percentage in parliament does not mean you are doing something.. You are just kind of taming them for other purposes.. Even if you wanna think they are equal they are not equal because we have used them up a lots.. and they too have done in a very less extant.. So I don't know what the solution when there is no solution if you thing historically and practically..
Most of it is toned conversations... by towlie :) then the world cup finals begins...
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